コメント (5) に行く2022年後半に実施されるTGAの電子タバコ規制公聴会に反対する提出書類が多数を占めたにもかかわらず、政策立案者らはこれらの提出書類を「ニコチン中毒者からのキャンペーンへの反応」として却下し、5月2日、オーストラリア連邦保健大臣マーク・バトラーは政府の計画を発表した。オーストラリアで提案されている電子タバコの禁止にさらに力を入れてください。
Mark Butlers のリリースはここでご覧いただけます。
VAPE製品を輸入できるのは薬局のみとなります。薬局が電子タバコ製品を輸入するには、TGA から輸入許可を取得し、その製品が新製品要件に準拠し、登録された薬局でのみ販売されることを証明する必要があります。
輸入者が有効な VAPE 輸入許可を持っていない限り、VAPE 製品が含まれていると申告された貨物はオーストラリアへの入国を拒否されます。
プレーンフレーバーのみのすべての VAPE 製品の医薬品パッケージ。バトラー大臣は完全なフレーバーの禁止については明言していないが、「バブルガム」のようなフレーバーは新しい規則の下では禁止されると述べた。
TGA の協議に基づいて、ニコチンの最大濃度を 20mg/ml に制限することを目的としており、これにより、電子タバコによるタバコの欲求を満たす効果が大幅に低下します。
この目的は、小売現場での VAPE の輸入と販売が終了することです。州政府は、小売環境での VAPE の販売を停止し、コンビニエンスストアやその他の小売環境での VAPE 販売を終了する責任を負います。
タバコ税は近年厳しい状況にあり、財務大臣のジム・チャーマーズ氏は最近、オーストラリアでの電子タバコの増加が懸念されており、喫煙率の低下により50億ドルの予算穴が生じていると述べた。残念ながら、これは陰謀論ではありません - ここをクリックしてください!
タイムライン - オーストラリアの VAPE 禁止はいつ行われますか?
Legalize Vaping Australia (LVA) は、電子タバコを吸う権利のためにたゆまぬ努力を続ける草の根の消費者擁護団体です。
オーストラリアの新しい電子タバコ法 |マーク・バトラーは電子タバコの禁止を計画している
コメント (5)
I was a heavy smoker for 48 years and tried many times to quit via every method unsuccessful till I discovered Vapes.. This is total nonsense, what the government are intending to do.. Yes, the teenagers need to be discouraged/stopped from starting this habit (vaping) but don’t punish those who were encouraged in the 50’s 60’s & 70’s to smoke and have an addiction and are doing the right thing..
This is all about revenue for the government, which they have lost now due to ex-smokers no longer funding their coffers!!
It is a democratic right to enjoy what you want to enjoy, without being constantly penalised…
I think they need to turn their attention to Alcohol, Gambling and Sugar, which is way more destructive than the harmless ciggie/vape!
I’m sick & tired of being penalised for my only enjoyment, pick on some other majority for your taxes..
We are definitely becoming a dictatorship country!
I smoked 30 cigarettes a day, had no intention of quitting. My daughter purchased a 20mg reusable vape for me and I quit smoking from the very first try of an alt vape from NZ. I was required to get a prescription from quitline and I sam 100% supportive of smokers swapping to capping. I am so much fitter, have more energy and only use the vape 4 times a day for 30 seconds. I do not agree with the vape to lung version the kids use. I agree to restricting access and prescription only. I’m not ready to let go of my vape just yet even after 2.5 years without smoking cigarettes. I need this please don’t take it away from me
This is nonsensical they have the evidence that vaping is saving thousands of lives of former smokers . I know people that went back to smoking when they introduced the prescription model because the supermarket was their to get their cigarettes. Our medical centre said they have no interest in giving out prescriptions for vapers .So how is that going to work . Our chemist said they want nothing to do with it so have these brainwave politicians worked out that road block. IVaping has worked in the UK is worked in NZ and other country’s around the world so what’s the difference here in Australia . The thing that every person thinks that I have spoken to says it’s revenue for tobacco they don’t want you to give up cigarettes. And after this no brain idea from the government I tend to agree . They really are not worried about the health of former smokers who have given up the cigarettes with use of vape it seems to me their more worried about stopping the Chinese throw away vapes used by teenagers . It seems to be easy to kick those in the guts who are doing the right thing than stop the blackmarket to teenagers. And now they want drop the nicotine level down which won’t help smokers quit . We have turned in to a dictatorship of a country with no say in just about anything . I feel sorry for vapers I smoked for 40 yrs and after all the things I tried which include patches , sprays, gum , the qit line , hypnotherapy but nothing worked till I tried vaping finally something worked I no smoke or vape and I can thank vaping for that it took a while but I gradually cut down the nicotine level until I could just stop . I vote and used to vape I will never vote Labor again because of this no brain cruel government who won’t look at the clear evidence and are putting money before health .
This is nonsensical they have the evidence that vaping is saving thousands of lives of former smokers . I know people that went back to smoking when they introduced the prescription model because the supermarket was their to get their cigarettes. Our medical centre said they have no interest in giving out prescriptions for vapers .So how is that going to work . Our chemist said they want nothing to do with it so have these brainwave politicians worked out that road block. IVaping has worked in the UK is worked in NZ and other country’s around the world so what’s the difference here in Australia . The thing that every person thinks that I have spoken to says it’s revenue for tobacco they don’t want you to give up cigarettes. And after this no brain idea from the government I tend to agree . They really are not worried about the health of former smokers who have given up the cigarettes with use of vape it seems to me their more worried about stopping the Chinese throw away vapes used by teenagers . It seems to be easy to kick those in the guts who are doing the right thing than stop the blackmarket to teenagers. And now they want drop the nicotine level down which won’t help smokers quit . We have turned in to a dictatorship of a country with no say in just about anything . I feel sorry for vapers I smoked for 40 yrs and after all the things I tried which include patches , sprays, gum , the qit line , hypnotherapy but nothing worked till I tried vaping finally something worked I no smoke or vape and I can thank vaping for that it took a while but I gradually cut down the nicotine level until I could just stop . I vote and used to vape I will never vote Labor again because of this no brain cruel government who won’t look at the clear evidence and are putting money before health .
When you ban alcohol and gambling you can ban vaping. Which causes more destruction to families and communities?